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Secure monitoring and reporting for public health

Sara Alert is a standards-based, opensource tool that automates the process of active symptom monitoring, enabling jurisdictions to use their resources more efficiently to conduct large-scale monitoring efforts. It was developed by public health experts for public health. As an open source tool, Sara Alert is available in the public domain for public and private use and is easily integrated into other tools. 

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Read what public health had to say about using Sara Alert as part of their COVID-19 response.

Fairfax County Health Department

“With the help of Sara Alert we have been able to: connect daily with residents during quarantine and isolation, quickly discover when contacts have become symptomatic, call EVERY case as they enter isolation to ensure they meet clinical criteria (RRR), monitor thousands of Fairfax County residents with the help of the automated email and text notifications.”

– Fairfax County Health Department in 2021

Stefanie T - Gallatin County Public Health

“I know there’s a bit of a learning gap with technology, but I will say Sara Alert is a pretty easy-to-use technology.”

Stefanie T
– Gallatin County Public Health in 2021

Stefanie T - Gallatin County Public Health

“It’s really user-friendly. We have contact tracers, some of them in their 60s, and they have no problem with Sara Alert. We do live demonstrations… and people pick it up pretty easily.”

“I’m just really thankful for Sara Alert…it’s really useful for tracking people… it’s a wonderful tool.”

Jillian E
– Gallatin County Public Health in 2021

Approved for public release.  Distribution unlimited.  Public Release Case Number 20-0261.