Sara Alert’s open source code is available at Sara Alert is a MITRE trademark. If you are interested in using the trademark in your work, please contact

Sara Alert™ in the News
New coronavirus scam: How to spot bogus contract tracing texts, emails, and calls
Morning Call
The simplest way to do that is to enroll in the state’s Sara Alert system, Kistler said. Anyone who provides a cell phone number or email address will get a daily text message or email asking if they are healthy and staying home. Those who say they have coronavirus symptoms will be directed to get tested.
Governor loosens travel requirements for out-of-state visitors
Travelers must register with Sara Alert upon arrival to Vermont to get two weeks of daily reminders to check for common symptoms of COVID-19.
Contact tracing for COVID-19 is hybrid of old and new technologies
Once a person is enrolled in Sara Alert, the system sends alerts through emails or text messages to check on a patient’s condition, allowing epidemiologists to track who is developing symptoms and needs hospitalization, Vogt said.
Google and Apple’s rules for virus tracking apps sow division among states
Now, as more people resume interstate travel, the danger of disparate apps will become increasingly and dangerously clear, said Paul Jarris, chief medical officer at MITRE, a not-for-profit that manages federal research centers, and former executive director for the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials.
“Two people sit next to each other on an airplane for six hours. … When they go off to their different states, [the disease] has just jumped states and we’ll have no way of knowing that,” said Jarris.
Beaches, Hotels, Parks, and More Reopening Across New England
New Hampshire is eyeing June 15 for the return of indoor dining at some restaurants while neighboring Vermont is moving to reopen out-of-state travel, requesting that any visitors crossing state lines enroll in the “Sara Alert” survey to check for common COVID-19 symptoms.
Gov. Scott announces limited indoor dining restart, opens some interstate travel
Manchester News
Visitors will be required to register with Sara Alert for daily reminders from the Vermont Department of Health and must attest to meeting the travel requirements papers.
VDH COVID-19 Update: Winooski outbreak connected to local residents
Vermont Biz
Anyone coming to Vermont is strongly encouraged to sign up for daily symptom check reminders. The symptom check reminders, called Sara Alert, is not a contact tracing system. It is not GPS-based, so it does not monitor a person’s movements or track their location.