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Sara Alert™ in the News
Maine reports 15 new cases of COVID-19, one additional death
Kennebec Journal & Morning Sentinel
In other virus developments, Maine’s use of an automated system to help people exposed to the virus report their symptoms was highlighted in a study Monday by the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention. The study concluded that automated systems can be highly effective for such tracking.
Local tracer qualifications outlined
Altoona Mirror
The tracers will suggest that those who’ve been exposed sign up for Sara Alert, Taylor said. That smart-phone app helps the Department of Health monitor the situation, according to Health Secretary Dr. Rachel Levine.
Mills announces $1 million effort to address racial disparities in COVID-19 WCSH-WLBZ
Maine CDC’s technology platform (Sara Alert) sends messages and check-ins to close contacts of people with COVID-19 in English, Spanish, French, and Somali. About 14 percent of people currently in the system have a primary language other than English. The Department pays for language translation, interpretation, and cultural brokers to assist Maine CDC. Interpretation services in other languages are available on an as-needed basis.
COVID-19 — New state cases top 1K
Altoona Mirror
The department is using the Sara Alert system to help monitor people who have been exposed, according to Levine. It checks in automatically with those who enroll, Levine said
DOH Builds Contact Tracing Resources to Support Increases of COVID-19 Cases
This web-based monitoring tool enable contact tracers to send daily emails, texts and/or phone calls to cases and identified close contacts throughout their isolation/quarantine monitoring period. This technology enhances the contact tracer’s ability to promptly respond and provide guidance to symptomatic individuals.
Johnstown center helps with COVID-19 control; Blair adds 10 new cases
During the first two weeks of July, contact tracers enrolled 3,638 contacts in the Sara Alert system, which allows contact tracers to quickly advise individuals on how to respond to symptoms.
VDH COVID-19 Update: Two new cases, but Vermonters urged to remain smart
Vermont Biz
With case numbers up in states across the country, it is important to have the latest information about travel to Vermont, including about quarantine requirements, testing, and to sign up with Sara Alert for symptom check reminders.
Self-quarantine is discontinued
Saipan Tribune
The Sara Alert Symptom Monitoring System allows CNMI public health representatives to enroll and follow up with individuals at risk of developing a COVID-19 infection.
Dept. of Health announces effort to expand contact tracing in Pennsylvania
WNEP Scranton/Wilkes-Barre
The Sara Alert, working alongside our disease surveillance system, offers contact tracers the ability to track, monitor, isolate and test symptomatic contacts and is further enhanced by the use of technology applications.
ORAU Information: Sara Alert™: Secure Monitoring and Reporting for Public Health
Office of Research Support – Duke University
ORAU is evaluating how we might customize and host an academic instance of Sara Alert™ to serve our member universities. Before we would be able to adequately stand up an effective system, we need to better understand your degree of interest and the feasibility of usage if an “Academic Sara Alert” tool was provided to your institution.