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Sara Alert™ in the News
Maine Department of Education announces new team of nurses to support contact tracing efforts in schools WCSH-WLBZ
With support and training from Maine CDC, and funded through federal emergency relief funds, the first team members have begun to assist in the notification to those who have been deemed a close contact to a staff member or student who has tested positive for COVID-19. This team will enroll “close contacts” into Sara Alert, an online platform that Maine CDC uses to notify and monitor people exposed to the coronavirus. The Maine CDC will continue to investigate confirmed cases and outbreaks associated with schools.
Maine CDC redefines probable COVID-19 case investigations as flu season arrives WCSH-WLBZ
Maine CDC continues to use the Sara Alert system for ongoing contact tracing. As of November 12, a total of 17,854 close contacts had been enrolled.
Clark Co. adjusts coronavirus contact tracing efforts due to surge in cases
Cases will be provided with instructions on how to isolate until they are no longer contagious and will receive daily text messages during their isolation period through a secure system called Sara Alert.
Clark Co. adjusts coronavirus contact tracing efforts due to surge in cases
Cases will be provided with instructions on how to isolate until they are no longer contagious and will receive daily text messages during their isolation period through a secure system called Sara Alert.
Sara Alert™ Academic available for universities to use to help monitor COVID-19 cases
Oak Ridge Today
“Sara Alert Academic provides secure infectious disease monitoring and reporting tailored specifically for universities,” said ORAU Vice President of Research and University Partnerships Ken Tobin. “It can help keep campuses operating safely through increased efficiency in tracking potential exposures and monitoring confirmed cases, leading to earlier containment and isolation, and reduction of burden on limited resources.”
The life of a Maine CDC contact tracer: a critical job in stopping the spread of COVID-19 WCSH-WLBZ
To augment what the contact tracers are doing, the Maine CDC is also using a web-based tool called Sara Alert. Anyone who has been told they’ve potentially been exposed to the virus can register with Sara Alert and get an automated daily message asking if they’re experiencing symptoms. People can respond by text, email, on the web, or by phone. The information is then made available to the Maine CDC in real time.
Health department brings on Sara Alert to manage COVID-19 cases
The Western News
As COVID-19 cases mount in Lincoln County, local health officials plan to adopt a nationally available and open source tool to monitor patients.
Kathi Hooper, health department director, told county commissioners Oct. 14 that they hoped to have Sara Alert up and running by the beginning of next week. The service is free to the county, she said.
“There will be some initial data entry and then I think it’s going to be a great [tool],” Hooper said.
Flathead County already employs the system and health officials here hope it will make efforts to collaborate on contact tracing more efficient.
Ask the I-Team: What will Maine contact tracers ask me?
People determined to be a potential close contact of someone with COVID-19 will get a call from a Maine CDC staff person or from the automated Sara Alert system.
Public Health launches Sara Alert to limit the spread of COVID-19. What we know.
Guam Pacific Daily News
“As further restrictions are relaxed, we need to ensure our Public Health containment and isolation team has the resources they need to keep this virus in check and prevent another surge of confirmed cases,” said Gov. Leon Guerrero. “By deploying the new Sara Alert system, we can improve our efforts to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, protect the health of our people, and support our goal of safely opening up our community.
Public Health now using Sara Alert to aid in virus monitoring
Individuals using the Sara Alert will be able to update Public Health daily about their health status during the period they are being monitored. This will This will also be a useful tool for travelers being released to home quarantine.